Dear students,
You are extremely privileged to be students of this vidyalaya which is part of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, a pace setting organization in the field of education. Our Vidyalaya has a team of well-qualified, dedicated teachers and good infrastructural facilities to cater to your academic needs from class 1 to12. We also provide ample opportunities for participation in sports as well as extra-curricular activities for the all-round development of the personality. The vidyalaya has been the alma mater for several doctors, engineers, scientists etc. in the past and will continue to be so for future generations. We take pride that we groom you to become ethically and environmentally responsible citizens of the world. I hope you will make optimum use of your time here and enrich yourself in every way. You have my blessings in every endeavor. May each one of you be a trailblazer, setting shining examples for others to emulate?
With best wishes.